Each time we type in a new draft pick, we will give it a background color corresponding with their position. Next, I choose color codes for each position and placed a key along the bottom for reference. You can start out with any font and font-size in the beginning and then adjust later as you test the draft board out on the TV screen. A light blue background for the row and column headers makes them stick out a bit more.

I chose a pretty standard setup with draft rounds listed vertically along the left and Team names listed at the top of each column. If you won’t have Internet access in your draft room, or you just prefer not to use Google Drive, you can always use another spreadsheet application, or create the spreadsheet in Google Sheets and download it for use offline. Or, if others at the draft want to pull up the draft board on their own laptops, tablets, or phones they can do that as well. If one or more people can’t be at the live fantasy draft, they can view the Fantasy Draft board the same as you do at the draft. Why use Google Sheets? Files that are created on Google Drive are easy to share with others online. Otherwise, let’s take a look at how to make a basic fantasy draft board with Google Sheets. If that’s more what you are looking for, by all means, do a little searching on Google and see what you can find. It also has a duplicate pick detector built in. Players are selected front a dropdown list and additional info is automatically added to the Google Sheets cell. This Google Sheet draft board on Reddit updated in 2018, is pretty fantastic. There are some really great draft spreadsheets that some others have created and shared that have some more advanced features. The advantage is it’s easy to set up and flexible. It requires someone to manually enter the names, and any other info as desired. The example I’ve put together here is a pretty basic draft board. You may be most familiar with Google Docs, which is the word processing software part of the suite. Google Sheets in the spreadsheet application that is part of the software suite that is provided by Google as part of Google Drive. If you want to go the bargain basement way, however, you can also create your own fantasy draft board using spreadsheet software like Google Sheets. You could also plunk down a little cash and get yourself some draft board software.

You can do it the old-fashioned way by physically creating one out of poster board and markers. Every live fantasy draft should have a Fantasy draft board.